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A Wildlife Quiz That Will Test Your Knowledge

Animals with Hidden Skeletons

A Wildlife Quiz That Will Test Your Knowledge

By Keith Foster

Most animals wouldn't be as cute if their skeletons weren't on the inside. That's because our brains are wired to find certain physical features attractive, and many of those features are related to having a healthy skeleton. For example, we tend to find animals with big eyes, small noses, and round faces to be cute. These features are all associated with youthfulness and health, and they signal to us that the animal is likely to be a good mate and parent.

Of course, there are some animals that we find cute even though they don't have the ideal skeletal structure. For example, many people find puppies and kittens to be cute, even though their heads are disproportionately large and their bodies are still developing. This is because these animals have other features that make them appealing, such as their playful nature and their ability to form strong bonds with humans.

If you're interested in learning more about the relationship between animal skeletons and cuteness, there are a number of resources available online. You can also take a wildlife quiz to test your knowledge of animal anatomy.
